Smart HUD - Breakdown of key Statistics - Summary

Below you will find a breakdown of the key statistics shown in our Smart HUD, with additional stats available in AoF games only further below.

VPIP (Voluntarily Put Money In the Pot)
How often a player puts in money given the opportunity

PFR (Pre Flop Raise)
How often a player raises pre-flop

ATS (Attempt to Steal)
How often a player tries to steal the blinds from the CO, BTN, and SB positions

3BET (Raise 3-Bet)
How often a player re-raises a raise pre-flop

CB (Continuation Bet)
How often a pre-flop raiser bets on the flop

FCB (Fold to Continuation Bet)
How often a player folds to a continuation bet

CCB (Call to Continuation Bet)
How often a player calls a continuation bet

RCB (Raise to Continuation Bet)
How often a player raises a continuation bet

WT (WTSD = Went to Showdown)
How often a player who has seen the flop goes to showdown

WSD (WMSD = Won Money at Showdown)
How often a player wins on showdowns

TAF (Total Aggression frequency)
How often a player bets or raises

Total number of hands played



How often a player goes all-in or calls an all-in

How often a player folds

FTA (Fold to ATS)
How often a player folds from SB or BB positions to an attempt to steal the blinds

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